We recently brought you the news that Marvel has plans for nine, count ’em, nine Spider-Man movies, and as such, the crossover possibilities are now seemingly endless. We already know that Kevin Feige wants the webbed hero to go at it with Tom Hardy’s Venom, but now, sources close to We Got This Covered have revealed their plans for the best superhero team-up movie since Justice League (kidding). Coming soon to a theater near you: Spider-Man, Deadpool and Wolverine.
You thought the Merc with a Mouth’s first solo outing and its sequel were a wise-cracking, action-packed good time? Just wait. Even though it may take a while to get here, pairing up Peter Parker with DP and Wolvie (even if it’s only one in one movie and one in the other) sounds like a dream come true. And though it’s unclear when exactly this would happen, we imagine it wouldn’t be until the fifth or sixth Spider-Man film, if not longer. After all, the mutants haven’t even made their way into the MCU yet.
Regardless, it certainly makes sense to do a team-up with these characters at some point. After all, the trio’s chemistry has always been a huge selling point for their comic books. Especially with Deadpool and Spider-Man. A quick Google search will bring up panels upon panels of the weirdest, funniest crap. Piggyback rides up the sides of buildings. Reenactments of Spidey’s upside down kiss with Mary Jane. Being tied up together face-to-face, with Deadpool making cracks about his junk. And let’s not forget about them yo mama jokes.
Spider-Man and Wolverine, meanwhile, have more of a love/hate relationship, but seeing Tom Holland fight alongside whoever takes the role from Hugh Jackman will be spectacular. Spidey’s snarky comments seem like bible verses compared to the filth that comes out of Deadpool’s mouth. But seeing Wolverine flipping him a metallic bird would be downright hilarious.
What are your thoughts though on Marvel’s plan to team Spider-Man, Deadpool and Wolverine up in the future? Sound off down below and while you wait for that day to come, be sure to catch Spider-Man: Far From Home in theaters on July 2nd!
from We Got This Covered http://bit.ly/2N6vw0Z