Still pining for more Pennywise in the wake of today’s blood-curdling trailer? We’ve got you covered.
Via Collider, below you’ll find a smattering of HD photos from It: Chapter Two, which essentially offer a play-by-play breakdown of that aforementioned teaser. And what a teaser it was.
Not unlike the initial promo for Chapter One, this first-look trailer largely focused on a single scene, allowing the tension to grow and grow until we were practically rooted to the edge of our seats. This time around, it is adult Beverly Marsh (Jessica Chastain) who is haunted by the ghosts of Derry past.
Upon arriving at her childhood home – now occupied by a decidedly creepy old woman who is literally decaying before her very eyes – adult Bev begins to notice that things aren’t quite what they seem. In fact, it’s only when she spots an old photo of the Derry circus that she begins to uncover Pennywise’s roots, by which point it’s too late…
Perhaps more than anything else, it is the little background details in It: Chapter Two‘s debut trailer that will really leave viewers on edge. They worked like a charm first time around, and after 27 years (or 24 months in the real world), they’re back to serve up another helping of nightmare fuel.
As are the Losers’ Club, who must set aside old squabbles in the face of a common and all-too-familiar enemy. Pennywise has returned, and will soon begin feasting on the town’s hapless children. But this time, Beverly and Co. have the upper-hand: they’ve faced unspeakable evil before and lived to tell the tale.
It: Chapter Two creeps gingerly into theaters on September 6th, and if Stephen King is to be believed, it’s downright terrific. And if that isn’t a ringing endorsement, we don’t know what is…
from Movies – We Got This Covered