Thursday, May 23, 2019

Marvel Fans Are Roasting Those New Spider-Man: Far From Home Posters

The marketing team behind Spider-Man: Far From Home is assuming that everyone’s seen Avengers: Endgame already. And though that’s not exactly an unfair assumption to make – after all, the Russo Brothers’ epic is now only a few hundred million dollars away from topping Avatar as the highest grossing movie of all time worldwide – it’s still a bit strange to see the major details of the pic broadcasted across the waves even though it’s only been in theaters for a few weeks.

Nevertheless, this does make sense when you look at the schedule. Just as the events of Peter Parker’s latest international adventure take place soon after those of Endgame, the release dates of each pic are separated by a little bit more than two months. As such, the marketing campaign for Far From Home is now in full swing – pun intended – and the other day, Sony dropped a brand new poster onto the web.

While we appreciate getting to see more promo material from the film, it has to be said, whoever designed this latest one-sheet should be fired. And it seems as if the fans feel the same way, with people commenting on Facebook that it looks like it was made by a five-year-old and that it’s ” the worst movie poster” they’ve ever seen. Twitter, meanwhile, isn’t much different, and below you can find a sampling of the reactions.

Of course, it’d be foolish to judge a film based on its poster, so we won’t. And it has to be said that all the footage we’ve seen from Far From Home so far certainly looks promising. Indeed, there’s much to look forward to with the sequel, be it an unlikely ally for Peter in Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, an inevitable romantic subplot with Michelle “MJ” Jones, the introduction of the Multiverse and more.

The bar’s been set high given how well Avengers: Endgame performed, but we’ve no doubt the MCU will be able to deliver another hit when Spider-Man: Far From Home swings into theaters on July 5th.

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