No matter how prepared you were for tonight’s series finale of Game of Thrones, it still hit like a ton of bricks. While it may be too soon after Jaime and Cersei’s fate for that joke, the final episode really did deliver an emotional punch and fans won’t be getting over it any time soon.
It’s an amazing thing, actually, that this article can even be written, as I really did expect the internet to break last night. But here we are, writing, reading and for some of us, re-watching. So much happened and there’s so much to talk about, but the biggest death of the entire series is none other that Daenerys Targaryen. At the hands of her lover, Jon Snow, no less.
It was a moment you could almost see coming. You saw the look on his face last week as Dany was laying waste to King’s Landing. He witnessed her destroy an entire city and turn its people to ashes, all for what? Cersei killing her friend? Jon knew from her actions, and the fact that she knew Jon was the rightful heir to the iron throne, that Dany had to be stopped. He tried talking her down in the moments before her death, but had no luck. Having no other option, he feigned understanding her feelings and when he was close enough, he kissed her and thrust a dagger through her heart. So brutal.
Of course, the fans have now taken to Twitter to share their thoughts on the moment and below, you’ll find a sampling of what they’re saying:
Daenerys dead
— A N N
(@maryyjnne) May 20, 2019
Okay so I’m very behind on Game of Thrones but just found Daenerys died and I am one sad lil bitch.
— Em (@emilybrautigam) May 20, 2019
FUCK THE WRITERS. if this has been planned for daenerys all along why couldn't they tell emilia? this is so heartbreaking i can't imagine what she was going through reading those horrible scripts #gameofthrones
— ً (@targarcyn) May 20, 2019
#got ending was ass. Could they have at least cut into a scene where Daenerys got reunited with Drogo and her unborn son in the Nightlands?
— John Karl Reyes (@FUNSiZEKARL) May 20, 2019
idc if i sound like a clown saying this but Daenerys will always be one of my all time favorite characters ever despite how her story ended
— khaweesi
(@samhime_) May 20, 2019
@GameOfThrones I wanted to watch Daenerys' dream. How oringinal would it have been but… Instead I watched the #DeathOfThrones
— Madonie (@theMadonie) May 20, 2019
Fuck this show season 8 was full of shit jon killed daenerys for nothing i rather have her as the queen that a boy in a wheel cheer that has never fought in his life fuck you game of thrones fuck you you guys suck i wish i would have never watched game of thrones #GameOfThrones
— Juan Macias (@JuanMaci2623) May 20, 2019
haven’t seen the finale but i know that daenerys deserved better!!!!!!!!!! DAENERYS DESERVED BETTER, YEAH? FUCK YEAH!!! #GameofThrones
— Koko (@Marikokoooo) May 20, 2019
Fuck Jon Snow and whoever wrote that Sesame Street ending.#JonSnow#Daenerys#GameofThrones #GameOfThronesFinale
— Prince GMO (@PrinceG_MO) May 20, 2019
#GameOfThrones What a Fucken stupid ending!!Bran becomes king when he didn’t do anything Jon kills Danny. She was the one that helped him with the walking dead to saves Winterfell & he is Mad because she killed innocent people of Kings Landing Come on Daenerys she be
— Mary Tomas (@Mariaelena8724) May 20, 2019
— unluckiest of artists
(@unlucky_art) May 20, 2019
I am so emotionally distraught after Drogon picked up Daenerys' body and flew away. His reaction to her death was the worst thing ever. I'm choosing to forget tonights episode happened. This is how Daenerys Targaryen will forever live in my mind.
#GameOfThrones #Daenerys
— SJL6392 (@SJL6392) May 20, 2019
They butchered Dany's character. She always killed the bad guys but suddenly snaps and kills the good citizens, something she always vehemently opposed to the chagrin of Jorah and Drogo. #GOTFinale #Daenerys
— Zard (@zardlebard) May 20, 2019
Fuck HBO. Long live the Queen. Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
— Jive (@AtJive) May 20, 2019
I will ALWAYS support my bad bitch Queen Daenerys. No matter what. That’s my fucking QUEEN.
— LauRapsody (@LauRapsody) May 20, 2019
That moment when you realize Anakin Skywalker has a better explored “descent into evil” arc than Daenerys Targaryen…
— Ricardo Justus (@ricardojustus) May 20, 2019
Daenerys – So after 8 seasons of working for it I do get to finally sit on the Iron Throne right
Producers –— Sticky one styll (@tunde998) May 20, 2019
I have no idea why you would end #GameOfThrones like that! Rubbish!!! No justice done to the main characters, and #JonSnow is the worst! The worst! The only class acts were #Daenerys and #Drogon. Why is #BranStark king??? It makes no sense!!!! I am so angry!!!
— Vinodh Menon (@vinodhmenon28) May 20, 2019
I’m more mad at the writers because Daenerys was one of my favorites throughout the whole show but they ruined her towards the end
— Juan Wick (@Jbreadnwater) May 20, 2019
jon really got resurrected to kill daenerys like someone else couldn’t have done it i can’t breath SJSBSJSB
— arya stark stan 1st human 2nd (@jackiebukharts) May 20, 2019
It's a joke, isn't?
So everyone had a happy ending except the only person who tried so hard for that throne?#GameOfThronesFinale #Daenerys— حضرت (@Qaxaal) May 20, 2019
Daenerys Targaryen, the first of her name, Queen of the Andals, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the unburnt, breaker of chains, mother of dragon and DEAD AS CAN BE. What a ride this is.
— Tom Schena (@The_MaSchena) May 20, 2019
— jasmine (@ladyblrrd) May 20, 2019
And just like that daenerys is dead.#GAMEOFTHRONES #GOT #GOTFinale
(@mendez_519) May 20, 2019
Well Daenerys is dead…what a surprise
— Jhoei
(@Jho_Deanna) May 20, 2019
Daenerys is dead? Oh well
— E (@whatimreadings) May 20, 2019
Ding dong the wicked witch is dead!! #gameofthrones #demthrones
— thee mad Daenerys (@thiscantbmylife) May 20, 2019
I'm dead. I'm actually, finally dead.
— Daenerys Targaryen (@Flame_Khaleesi) May 20, 2019
And there it is. Daenerys is fucking DEAD NOW FUCUCUCKCKKKK
— Danny Munoz (@Danny_WFI_Munoz) May 20, 2019
Of course, the Dragon Mother’s death was just one of many moments that will be stirring up controversy from the show’s final season, and understandably so. I mean, seeing Drogon lay waste to the Iron Throne moments after, when we thought it would be Jon Snow who would melt? Edge-of-your-seat stuff right there.
What was your reaction to the queen’s death on the series finale of Game of Thrones, though? Speak your mind in the comments section down below, or hit me up on Twitter and we’ll chat there!
from We Got This Covered