Monday, May 6, 2019

Game Of Thrones Fans Can’t Get Over That Sex Scene Last Night

It’s hard to believe, but Game of Thrones‘ final season is already two-thirds over. As sad as that is though, how impressive is it that they’ve packed so much into just four episodes? Death, destruction, war and as a result, even more death. We’ll get to all of that later though. Right now, let’s talk about sex.

The latest episode had its share of dragon-sized twists, but one of them is really bringing out the best in fans. Yes, in one of the most…interesting hookup scenes in GoT history, after seven seasons, Jaime and Brienne got it on. These two dropping their drawbridges has been a long time coming for a lot of fans, but personally, it was a little painful for this guy to watch.

A little backstory before we get to the good stuff, though. The Battle of Winterfell had concluded. The survivors were licking their wounds and drinking their sorrows away, and it didn’t take too much dornish red before the random hooking up began. During a drinking game with Brienne and Jaime, Tyrion revealed that Brienne was still a virgin. Fast forward through a few corny “is it hot in here?” pickup lines, courtesy of Jaime, and we have some of the best Twitter reactions to a shocking GoT scene yet.


George R.R. Martin did mention something about a spinoff or ten..


Just when you think Game of Thrones couldn’t top last week’s battle-filled evening, these reactions prove that they can, and they definitely will again later this week. The series’ penultimate episode is airing on Sunday, so as much as I hate to say it, I’m afraid the surprise hookups are no more. Now, it’s time for war.

from We Got This Covered

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