Monday, May 20, 2019

Game Of Thrones Fans Can’t Believe The Fate Of The Iron Throne

The end has come for Game of Thrones. Not like any of us are surprised, but there hasn’t been many TV shows with finales that were this hyped up, and though it was definitely a bit of a divisive conclusion, it still delivered and left audiences around the world thrilled and with a ton to talk about.

The queen has been dethroned with a knife to the heart by none other than Jon Snow. Bran is now king. Tyrion is still breathing, and Jon finally received some kisses from his direwolf, Ghost. But there’s one loss that Thronies are having some trouble dealing with: the Iron Throne itself.

Yes, in an unexpected (unless you know about those cursed leaked spoilers and couldn’t resist reading them) turn of events, Drogon does NOT kill Jon for murdering his master. Instead, the mighty dragon directs his fire at the throne and turns it into a pile of red hot liquid magma.

Just like that, the throne’s gone. Bran’s lucky he still has his Westeros Wheelchair though, or else he, Sansa and Arya would have to hit the local IKEA to find a replacement.

Anyways, here are some of the best reactions to roll in so far lamenting the loss of the chair, with the first post beautifully explaining why Drogon did what he did.

Or maybe this….nah.

Of course, the final episode left us with much more to talk about than just what happened to the throne, so tell us, which part of tonight’s Game of Thrones finale hit you in the feels the hardest? Dany? Ghost? Or the aforementioned Drogon destroying the throne? Hop on down to the comments section and let us know.

from We Got This Covered

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