Monday, May 20, 2019

Game Of Thrones Fans Are Demanding An Arya Stark Spinoff

Now that Game of Thrones has ended with Bran the Broken as the victor, despite not having an actual throne to occupy, it’s time to start looking toward the future. And the past, according to HBO. Three GoT spinoffs are allegedly in the works, with one rumored to be a Targaryen-centric prequel. The other two are mysteries, but after Arya’s open-ended goodbye in the Thrones season finale, fans are calling for Maisie Williams to continue her role.

George R.R. Martin declared that he was, at one time, exploring five spinoffs for the show. That number was reduced to four when Bryan Cogman’s proposed script was announced to have been shot down back in April. My math might be a little rusty, but that leaves one spinoff idea unaccounted for. No matter; the odds are still fantastic that the 21-year-old Maisie will get her own show in the future.

Williams and her on-screen sister Sophie Turner once told MSN in an interview that they were all for the Stark sisters getting their own series, much to fans’ delight. After all, who doesn’t love that little ice zombie killing badass Arya? And those fans aren’t shy about how badly they want to see more of her. Seeing how Arya decided to head west of Westeros, to go beyond where the maps stop, we could be getting a few more years of her adventures.

And so, on that note, here are some fans who are more than ready for that to happen!

Tell us, are you on board for a Game of Thrones spinoff with Arya, or both her and Sansa? If not, what would bring you back to the Westeros? Or at least re-subscribe to HBO? Sound off in the comments section down below.

from We Got This Covered

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