Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Game Of Thrones 8×05 Images Tee Up The Show’s Penultimate Episode

All roads have led to this, ladies and gentlemen.

We’ve watched Winterfell burn and gazed in horrified disbelief as a dragon fell from the sky, but this Sunday, all eyes turn towards King’s Landing, where Cersei Lannister is about to square off against the greatest army Westeros has ever seen. At least, they were… before the Night King and his undead army ravaged the Dothraki and left the Stark foot soldiers begging for their lives. The Night’s Watch are also toast (save for Sam and Jon), while Greyworm commands a depleted platoon of Unsullied warriors.

Suffice it to say, the past few weeks have been pretty rough for the heroes of HBO’s Game of Thrones, and things are only going to get worse before they get better – particularly after the brutal execution of Missandei, whose final word “Dracarys,” sent Daenerys into a fit of rage. Will she succumb to the same anger that consumed her father, the Mad King?

Whatever the outcome, you’ll be able to catch a glimpse of what’s in store down below:

For the people of Westeros, this is it – the beginning of the end. While HBO is yet to divulge the official title of 8×05, fans will already know it to be Game of Thrones‘ penultimate episode, as the Powers That Be look to close the book on what has been one of the greatest TV dramas of a generation. And that’s despite the fact that season 8 has felt rushed and a little incoherent at times, all of which was epitomized by the infamous Starbucks coffee cup that somehow snuck its way into the great hall of Winterfell.

Game of Thrones 8×05 (AKA the show’s penultimate installment) airs via HBO this coming Sunday, before the fantasy drama reaches its epic conclusion the following week.

from We Got This Covered

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