Boo! Ahh! Did I spook ya? Sorry, I thought most people around here weren’t afraid of no ghost. The Ghostbusters certainly weren’t! Or, uh, aren’t? I guess those parapsychologists are back with a vengeance. There’s that sequel/reboot thing that Jason Reitman is making, which is supposedly going to feature kids and stuff, but now one of the OGs (Original Ghostbusters) himself, wacky old Dan Aykroyd just shared some exciting news: more spectral smackdowns are on the way.
According to an interview with 660 News, a Canadian news radio station, the prolific comedian has written a prequel script, titled “Ghostbusters High,” that would take place in New Jersey in 1969, while the original trio were teenagers. The project, if greenlit, is expected to be in the works within the next five years, according to Aykroyd. It seems like he is leaning towards making this a “glorified pilot,” which would lead into a Ghostbusters TV show. “Imagine casting those three characters as teenagers,” he says.
In the intervening five years, there are allegedly also “one or two other concepts” in the works for the phantom fighters before the prequel. Aykroyd’s enthusiasm, however, leads one to think that maybe this could actually happen. I am assuming that, from what I know about Sony, they are going to wait to see how this next Ghostbusters plays next summer before committing to the franchise wholeheartedly, like they originally planned on doing before GB2016 flopped.
I do have some skepticism, however. Aykroyd says that the script “is on [Jason Reitman’s] desk,” but that doesn’t exactly mean the director has signed off on it. Heck, maybe he hasn’t even read the dang thing. Plus, as we all remember, I’m sure, the Blues Brother had written a script for Ghostbusters 3, titled Ghostbusters in Hell, in the 90’s that never materialized. He’s been the biggest backer of continuing the franchise, almost desperately so, but there hasn’t been a lot of results for all his campaigning.
What do you think? Do you like this younger angle they’re taking on the Ghostbusters franchise? Let us know in the comments below.
from Movies – We Got This Covered