Friday, May 10, 2019

Creepy New Swamp Thing Posters And Trailer Lurk Online

Swamp Thing is coming, make no mistake about it, and despite some concerning reports that’ve emerged over the past few weeks, it actually appears to be pretty promising.

The latest DC Universe show will be bringing us a faithful looking version of one of the comic book company’s more obscure and strange, yet critically acclaimed heroes. Debuting in 1971, Swamp Thing truly took off when a young Alan Moore boarded the property in 1982 and produced a classic run of stories that redefined not just the titular character, but the limits of superhero comics as well.

For the TV adaptation, we’ve got Andy Bean starring as Swamp Thing’s less monstrous alter ego Alec Holland, while Gotham and Teen Wolf actress Crystal Reed, Candyman‘s Virginia Madsen and Jennifer Beals of Flashdance fame will all help to round out the cast. It’s Reed’s Abby Arcane who features in the new trailer up above though, as she’s seen laying there peacefully only for it to be revealed that Swampy is right beside her and has been the whole time.

It’s a short, but effective teaser, though unfortunately, it’s not all good news for Swamp Thing. As mentioned above, there’ve been some worrying reports lately, with WB unexpectedly dropping the show’s episode count from 13 to 10. That’s never a good sign and despite all the promotion looking pretty promising, hearing that is still concerning.

Is Warner Bros. rethinking their whole DC Universe initiative? Were the rushes they saw not up to par? Is the show simply too expensive to justify producing a 13-episode run? Your guess is as good as ours, but we’ll find out for certain when Swamp Thing arrives on the streaming service later this month, on May 31st.

from We Got This Covered

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