Monday, April 1, 2019

The Walking Dead Star Says Ezekiel/Carol Romance May Not Be Finished

The Walking Dead season 9 finale took a different form to most of its kind as, with the season’s big shocking denouement happening in the previous episode, it provided more of a coda to the run and a prelude to season 10 than a grand climax in itself. Following the deaths of 10 of their people at the hands of the Whisperers, the finale touched on how the survivors have been affected by this terrible loss.

One of the most notable outcomes was the breakdown of the marriage between Ezekiel and Carol. The couple had previously been enjoying a relatively happy time with their son Henry, but after he was taken from them so cruelly, their relationship fell apart with Carol moving back to Alexandria. However, star Melissa McBride believes that the pair’s story isn’t finished yet.

“I think they really have a beautiful relationship and it was a wonderful fairytale for Carol. The magic of the Kingdom, the liveliness of the Kingdom… I don’t think that they’re finished. She got to keep the ring. He said that he’ll continue to love her. And I think it was what she needed at the time, certainly. I don’t think it’s finished.”

McBride went onto explain that, when it comes to Carol returning to Alexandria, it’s about the character needing to surround herself with her old friends in this dark time to help her heal and isn’t necessarily a sign that she’s permanently left the Kingdom behind.

“I think too at this point, she said to him in that campfire scene back at the Hilltop when they were watching everyone, and she was watching the family. She said, ‘When I get to that place where I feel like I’m gonna lose myself, I always come back to these people. Put me back on my feet, I can ground myself again. To have these people, the love of these people,’” McBride said. “So I think right now she needs to go to Alexandria.”

Carzekiel fans will be pleased with McBride’s comments. Although, the many “Caryl” shippers out there won’t be. Following the finale, those who’ve wanted Carol to get together with Daryl for years started celebrating that her breakup with Ezekiel opened the door for their ship to sail. But maybe those folks should hold their horses until The Walking Dead season 10 arrives and we can see how things develop.

from We Got This Covered

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