The Flash returned last night after a month off and, as if to say sorry for being away, The CW show gave fans a huge treat: the debut of popular comic book villain Godspeed. Since he was introduced into the DC universe in 2016, the speedster foe has repeatedly been touted as a perfect character for the series to adapt and they finally did so in season 5’s eighteenth episode, suitably titled “Godspeed.”
Flash fans had a range of reactions to the outing, too, which was mostly about the origins of Barry and Iris’ daughter Nora West-Allen, but pretty much everyone loved the villain of the week and won’t be happy if this is all we see of him on our screens.
For one, the fantastic character design of Godspeed was enough to coax some fans back who hadn’t watched the show in a while.
Confession time. I haven't watched ANY CW DC shows since the break after Elseworlds. I'm gonna have to get caught up on (at least) #TheFlash, because This #Godspeed is the MOST Comic Accurate Costume I think ANY of the CW shows have had up to now, aside from The Monitor!
-Ye Olde Dragon-
(@DraconicVerses) April 17, 2019
But as awesome as he looked, the overriding feeling is that it would be a huge waste if August Heart was never seen again on the series after this.
I feel like Godspeed was fun but kind of wasted
— Al Sah Him (@domotheking_) April 17, 2019
Also, a shout-out should go to Danielle Panabaker, who stepped behind the camera for her first directorial effort this episode. She helped realize this epic villain that fans just can’t get enough of.
#theflash love the show and so pleased with @dpanabaker great work on the ep. hate that Godspeed just got used but isn’t going to be more of a villain in the future. What a great character to come and go so quickly.
— Timothy Patterson (@timp4jc) April 17, 2019
Godspeed has made such an immediate impact on viewers that it only makes sense for him to come back next season as Team Flash’s latest big bad, right?
I swear @FLASHtvwriters @CW_TheFlash if we waste a villain as epic as Godspeed on a one shot episode there will be hell to pay!!! Guy should be the big bad for next season. We've had enough of non speed villains, am I right? Least I am. #TheFlash
— RCDC (@FallenLantern92) April 17, 2019
Other than the huge potential in his character, we just need more Godspeed so we can see that amazing costume again.
Hopefully, #Godspeed isn’t a one-off. That faithful costume deserves more screen time. #TheFlash
— Charles Skaggs (@CharlesSkaggs) April 17, 2019
Seriously, CW, everyone really, really, really wants more Godspeed.
Also Godspeed was so badass and epic and we really need to see him again! I really hope we do, this can not be the last time we see him on the show!!!!! #TheFlash
Scarlet Speedster
(@layd2814) April 17, 2019
Season 5, as a whole, has been a mixed bag in terms of fan reaction, so it’s good that one aspect of it has received such widespread support. Is Godspeed the best thing to happen all year, though? Some certainly think so.
Godspeed on flash tonight was the best thing that’s happened this entire season other than the Eobard scenes
— Toddeth (@Prodigal_Xo) April 17, 2019
Seeing as we’ve still got Cicada to deal with, we likely won’t see Godspeed again this season, but hopefully the episode was a tease for a bigger appearance in season 6 of The Flash. Especially as they went to the effort of getting B.D. Wong on board to voice the villain.
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