Monday, April 29, 2019

Reverse-Flash Returns In Synopsis For The Flash Season 5 Finale

Despite both Cicadas having been a thorn in the side of the STAR Labs crew all season long on The Flash, I’ve found the unfolding situation involving Eobard Thawne and Nora West-Allen to be much more intriguing. Does the incarcerated speedster actually care for her? And exactly what’ll happen when the countdown clock outside of his cell reaches zero?

From the sound of it, we’ll learn the answer to these questions within the next few weeks – and then some. You see, Thawne is slated to return to his dreaded Reverse-Flash persona just in time for the season finale, “Legacy.” And before we discuss this matter any further, give the official synopsis a gander:

BARRY FACES OFF WITH REVERSE FLASH – Barry (Grant Gustin) faces off with his oldest, and most formidable nemesis, Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh). Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Lauren Certo and teleplay by Todd Helbing & Eric Wallace (#522). Original airdate 5/14/2019.

Considering how there’s no mention of Cicada II, I’m guessing that her story arc will be wrapped up one week beforehand in episode 5×21. That way, Thawne’s return will take center stage in the finale. Well, that’s at least what I hope the producers are doing.

Beyond that, it’s hard to forecast what else will happen because we still need to learn whether Nora’s villainous phase proves permanent, of if her being corrupted by the Negative Speed Force is only temporary. Either way, I think it’s safe to say that the Scarlet Speedster’s next battle with the Reverse-Flash will have major ramifications on season 6 – and possibly even on “Crisis on Infinite Earths.”

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW, with “Legacy” set to debut on May 14th.

from We Got This Covered

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