Thursday, April 25, 2019

Nora’s Gone Rogue In New Photos From The Flash

If you tuned in for the most recent episode of The Flash, then not only did you learn of the Negative Speed Force concept, but you also saw it utilized by Nora West-Allen. Not long after Eobard Thawne revealed its secrets to her, he came to regret his decision to do so because that very energy has now seemingly corrupted the young woman known as XS.

Whether this development leads to Nora only temporarily going over to the dark side or ultimately sees her emerge as the Reverse-Flash’s successor (her eyes have lit up like his, after all) remains to be seen, though my gut has me leaning toward the former option. Still, you never know what kind of surprises the producers have in store.

For now, though, she’s going to be a bad girl of sorts, as the Scarlet Speedster’s own daughter will be teaming up with the likes of Rag Doll, Weather Witch and Bug-Eyed Bandit in the appropriately titled “Gone Rogue.” If you’d like to see the beginnings of this dangerous alliance, then feel free to browse the gallery found below.

Aside from the new faction terrorizing Central City, images featuring Barry, Iris, Cecile, Caitlin and Ralph are also there for your viewing pleasure. Conspicuous by his absence is that of Cisco, whom the official description says will “make a bold decision.” This, of course, has fueled speculation when it comes to Carlos Valdes possibly leaving the series, so we’ll definitely want to keep our eyes affixed to this plot thread.

For more on “Gone Rogue,” here’s the aforementioned synopsis:

WEATHER WITCH, QUEEN BEE AND RAG DOLL RETURN TO CENTRAL CITY — Barry (Grant Gustin) continues to struggle with how he feels about Nora’s (Jessica Parker Kennedy) betrayal. Brie Larvan (guest star Emily Kinney), Joss Jackam (guest star Reina Hardesty) and Peter Merkel (guest star Troy James) return to Central City. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) makes a bold decision. Kristin Windell directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Joshua V. Gilbert (#520). Original airdate 4/30/2019.

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.

from We Got This Covered

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