Saturday, March 23, 2019

Avengers: Endgame Will Reportedly Be Over 3 Hours Long

It’s not long now before Avengers: Endgame tickets go on sale in North America, and in some parts of the world, fans have already started booking their seats. And now that theaters have begun planning for the film’s much-hyped arrival, it sounds like Disney has been letting cinemas know just how big a space in their schedule should be cleared for each screening

Anton Volkov from TrailerTrack relays word that the Avengers: Infinity War sequel sits at a hefty 182 minutes. If what he’s heard is true, then not only would this make Endgame the lengthiest MCU feature to date by a pretty wide margin, but it would also put the film at the same runtime as the “Ultimate Edition” of Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, which Volkov tweets to be the “current holder of the ‘longest modern superhero movie’ title.”

Mind you, Volkov also recommends that you take this number with a grain of salt for the time being, and we’d surely advise the same. While the alleged 182-minute figure is backed up by Slovakian distributor Saturn, other sources aren’t necessarily saying the same thing. ScreenHub Australia, for instance, has posted the number at 181 minutes, indicating that we shouldn’t take the runtime as confirmed just yet.

Regardless, the evidence is certainly mounting that Marvel’s Phase 3 finale will exceed the 3-hour mark, and as daunting as that might sound to some filmgoers, most MCU fans will be happy to give the Russo Brothers all the time they need to wrap up the saga’s first era. You can judge for yourself if Avengers: Endgame earns its considerable length or wears out its welcome when the film hits theaters on April 26th.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

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