The wait is finally over, folks.
Respawn Entertainment has revealed that the Apex Legends Season 1 Battle Pass, titled “Wild Frontier,” will arrive later today. Priced at 950 Apex Coins (about $9.50), it’ll bring with it a host of new cosmetic items, including banners, poses and shiny new skins for Lifeline, Wraith and Mirage. We’ll also be getting Octane, the shooter’s brand new character who the PlayStation Blog describes as a breath of fresh air.
But before you decide whether or not you want to plop down the cash and pick up the Battle Pass, there are definitely a few things you should know and has put together a handy guide highlighting each one of them.
To begin with, there are three different versions of the Battle Pass. The basic one will cost you 950 Apex Coins and simply gets you the Battle Pass on its own. If you’re not into that, though, then there’s a Bundle version which lets you skip the first 25 levels. That one costs 2,800 Apex Coins. And finally, there’s the free version, which includes “one character skin, five Apex Packs, and 18 skill trackers.”
Another thing notes is that the Season 1 Battle Pass will unlock Apex Coins for you along the way and if you complete it, you’ll have earned 1,000 of them, which is enough to buy the next season’s Battle Pass. So, in other words, Season 1’s Battle Pass can technically get you Season 2’s for free.
As for Octane, though he is arriving alongside the Battle Pass, you don’t need to purchase it to gain access to him. He’s available to buy on his own, just like Caustic and Mirage. And with that in mind, some people may feel as that’s the best option since as points out, the Battle Pass has quite a bit of filler in it.
In fact, here’s the full list of what you’ll get:
1000 Apex Coins (these can be put toward the next Battle Pass if you like)
Apex’s first ever 3-stage Evolving Legendary Weapon Skin (Havoc)
Exclusive Epic PDW weapon skin
Legendary Apex Pack with Guaranteed 1+ Legendary
Epic Apex Pack with Guaranteed 1+ Epic
5 standard Apex Packs
3 Legend skins
20 exclusive rare weapon skins
9 exclusive banner frames
9 exclusive intro quips
9 exclusive seasonal stat trackers
Exclusive badges, Battle Pass boosts and more!
It’s not exactly a bad group of loot and unlocks, but a lot of folks have been doing some complaining over the fact that it’s also not the most enticing Battle Pass around. Which leads us to our last point to highlight before you decide whether you want to buy it. And that’s that even if you skip out, you’ll still get a few freebies. Specifically, one character skin, five Apex Packs, and 18 skill trackers.
Apex Legends officially levels up later today with the launch of Season 1: Wild Frontier, but after taking all of the above into consideration, will you be purchasing the Battle Pass? Be sure to let us know by dropping a comment down below.
from We Got This Covered