Friday, February 15, 2019

New Flash Synopsis Teases King Shark Vs. Gorilla Grodd

“King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd, are you kidding me?” No, Iris, we aren’t. The recent promo for next week’s episode of The Flash echoed all our thoughts when Candice Patton’s character reacted with shock at the title of the installment.

“King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd” promises to be a blast for Flash lovers everywhere, as it’ll bring together two of the Scarlet Speedster’s biggest, baddest and weirdest rogues. But what’s caused the giant telepathic primate to be pitted against the ferocious man-shark?

Well, this new synopsis for the fifteenth episode of season 5 teases that an unexpected alliance between Grodd and Team Flash is what brings the pair into battle. However, it seems the real key to stopping King Shark is to appeal to his more human side.


When Gorilla Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) attacks Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash find themselves teaming up with an unexpected ally to defeat – King Shark (voiced by David Hayter). However, when they hit a snag, they bring in Dr. Tanya Lamden (guest star Zibby Allen) to try to reach the man behind the shark, Shay Lamden (guest star Dan Payne). Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Eric Wallace & Lauren Certo.

This monster-sized match has been a long time coming. After Nora name-checked the battle earlier in the season, showrunner Todd Helbing previously promised fans that this year would bring a Grodd vs. Shark fight, though he wasn’t sure at the time if they could pull it off as featuring two fully-CGI characters so prominently in the same episode is a big drain on the budget. Thankfully, though, they managed to make it work.

While we’re all here to see a man-shark and a gorilla knock each other around, it sounds like the real story of the episode will actually be rediscovering the human side of Shay Lamden (remember, he’s a marine biologist affected by the particle accelerator explosion). If his condition is cured, could this be the final time we see King Shark on the show?

Find out by catching The Flash 5×15 “King Shark Vs. Gorilla Grodd” on The CW on Tuesday, March 5th.

from We Got This Covered

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