Friday, February 15, 2019

New Doom Patrol Promo Teases Next Week’s Episode

I’ll happily hold my hands in the air and admit I was dead wrong about TitansThe show that launched the DC Universe streaming service looked embarrassingly bad in promo stills, and that “fuck Batman” trailer did it absolutely no favors. But then the series itself was released and my skepticism quickly melted away as I realized that it was actually pretty damn awesome.

The episode featuring the Doom Patrol only made me even more hyped for their solo show, which is now here and apparently, critics are loving it, with our own Eric Joseph saying that “the platform may have very well found its crown jewel.”

With the premiere under its belt, you can now check out the promo for the show’s second episode, “Donkey Patrol, above, which will be released on February 22nd. For more, here’s the official synopsis:

Following Mr. Nobody’s capture of Niles Caulder and the destruction of Cloverton Ohio, The Doom Patrol investigate the mysterious albino donkey and discover it is a door to another universe, one where Mr. Nobody is in control. Cyborg aka Vic Stone (series star JOIVAN WADE), a part man/part machine hero from Detroit who has his own complicated relationship with Niles Caulder, joins the search.

As an enormous fan of Grant Morrison’s groundbreaking run on the series in the early 90s, all this is music to my ears. Ever since they announced that there was to be a Doom Patrol show I was desperately hoping that this run would be the primary inspiration for it and not the lukewarm follow-ups over the years (though the recent Gerard Way run is actually pretty great, too). But, with my favorite Doom Patrol character Crazy Jane and awesome villain Mr. Nobody present and correct, it sounds like the show’s a winner.

If Doom Patrol carries on in this vein, expect some serious craziness down the line. They already teased the presence of Danny the Street (a sentient street) in Titans, and I’m hoping we’ll get to see live action takes on some of the weirder members of Mr. Nobody’s Brotherhood of Dada. In fact, if it turns out that Doom Patrol‘s a hit, then maybe I’ll finally get that The Invisibles series I’ve craved for so long.

from We Got This Covered

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