Tuesday, February 26, 2019

New Detective Pikachu Poster Secretly Reveals First Look At Mewtwo

Detective Pikachu is slowly building up hype as its release gets ever closer. Once a bit of an eyebrow-raiser due to casting Ryan Reynolds as Pikachu and having a faintly surreal sounding plot, the film has tested so well that Legendary’s already developing spinoffs in this new cinematic universe. Hardcore fans have also been kept happy through a very smart marketing campaign that has gradually revealed the movie’s takes on their favorite Pokémon.

Now, tucked away in a corner of a new poster, the film has quietly and subtly revealed one of the most notorious Pokémon of all: Mewtwo. Perhaps the only truly ‘evil’ Pokémon in the original 151, Mewtwo’s a cloned Pokémon with powerful psychic abilities that many had already theorized would be the villain of the movie. Trying to find him can be a bit of a Where’s Waldo? exercise, but if you train your eyes to the left of the photo he’s standing on top of a skyscraper underneath a large crane.

He’s so small it’s difficult to tell exactly what the film’s version of him will look like, but the basic shape indicates that there’s not going to be a huge departure from the character we’ve seen the Pokémon games, movies and guest-starring in Smash Bros. Also tucked away in the poster for keen-eyed fans are looks at Detective Pikachu‘s take on Snorlax, Loudred, Aipom and Treecko (and we also see Jigglypuff, Bulbasaur and Psyduck hanging out in the apartment below). Can you spot any others that we missed?

It’s shaping up to be the biggest year for the franchise yet – and tomorrow it’s looking like we might see Nintendo officially announce the Gen. 8 fully fledged Pokémon RPG for Switch. We’ll have coverage of that – and any other Pokémon news of note – as soon as it happens, so be sure to stay tuned.

from Movies – We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/2IFUGBv

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