In the words of the great Aegon Targaryen (aka Jon Snow), there’s only one war that matters, and it is here.
Yes, the White Walkers are on the march, and with them comes an undead army the likes of which we’ve never seen before – they’ve got a freaking dragon, for crying out loud! And so begins the final season of Game of Thrones, which is now quickly approaching as it’s due to premiere on April 14th. Which, really, isn’t too far away now.
It’s no wonder then that fans are already counting down the days before they get to see Jon, Arya and Daenerys Targaryen back in action, and though we still don’t know what the network has planned for us, it’s sure to be something special. In fact, if you were to ask Harington, it won’t only be special, it’s going to be downright groundbreaking.
“It’s quite nice walking around, which will only happen for a few months before everyone’s seen it, knowing. I know and no one else does. I know how it wraps up. I think it’s gonna be groundbreaking,” said the actor.

Unfortunately, he wouldn’t spill more than that – and with the extreme measures HBO’s been taking to keep things under wraps, we don’t blame him, though those who’ve been keeping up will know that “grueling, challenging and torturous” are three words Harington’s used to describe Game of Thrones‘ swan song in the past, and we’re curious to see how such a challenging shoot has affected individual performances. If anything, there’s a very good chance that the showrunners were able to extract the very best from their cast, given that this is their final hurrah, and that only has us all the more excited to see what’s in store.
Game of Thrones season 8 will be with us in April. And, yes, this really is it; the beginning of the end, folks. The only question that remains is, will you be tuning in?
from We Got This Covered