The past few months have seen a never ending stream of contradicting reports and rumors on Henry Cavill’s future, or lack thereof, in the DCEU. But while it could be some time before Superman makes his return to theaters in a film of his own, we might be seeing the character back on the big screen as soon as this April.
As you may’ve heard, the Man of Steel is said to be making a cameo in the upcoming Shazam!, but there’s a catch. Apparently, it won’t be Cavill in the role as the studio has instead used a body double and won’t actually show us Clark Kent’s face. At least, that’s what we were told earlier this week, and it seemed plausible enough. But now we’re hearing something a little different.
On the latest episode of the ComicBook Nation podcast, Jim Viscardi claimed that Cavill has indeed shot a cameo for Shazam! and Warner Bros. plans to use it if they’re able to work out his contract issues in time. If not, then presumably they’ll use the one with his body double.
Of course, this all remains unverified for the time being, and with the actor seemingly unwilling to discuss the matter publicly and Warner keeping silent on it, too, it appears that both parties still have some issues to work out. That being said, it certainly sounds like those on the inside think that Henry’s still Superman.
Back in December, Aquaman star Jason Momoa told Entertainment tonight that his Justice League co-star is “absolutely not” finished with the DCEU and that he “loves the character.” A few other colleagues of Cavill’s have said much the same, so with any luck, these contractual issues are just a small hiccup and they’ll be able to be ironed out in time for Shazam! And if not, well, then at least we’ll still get to see Superman in the film, even if it’s just a body double in the role.
from We Got This Covered