Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Flash Closes In On Nora’s Secret In New Synopsis

While the crew at STAR Labs continue their pursuit for the highly formidable (yet poorly acted) Cicada, another compelling mystery unfolds alongside it. We are, of course, talking about the ongoing situation involving Nora West-Allen and the Reverse-Flash.

Had you tuned in for last night’s midseason premiere for The Flash, then you no doubt saw XS travelling to 2049 a few times in order to meet with Eobard Thawne at Iron Heights Prison. While there, her father’s greatest foe seemed quite repentant, but my gut says the guy isn’t to be trusted.

Naturally, Nora is trying to keep knowledge of these clandestine rendezvous away from Barry, but it looks like the cat may escape the bag later this month. Here, take a look at the official synopsis for “Memorabilia” and judge for yourself:

BARRY AND IRIS LOOK INTO NORA’S MEMORIES — When Sherloque (Tom Cavanagh) wants to use a memory machine on Barry (Grant Gustin) and Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) to help gain access to Grace’s memories, Nora panics, fearing her parents will find out the secrets she’s been keeping from them. Nora secretly decides to use the machine on her own which ends in disaster after she gets trapped inside Grace’s mind. Barry and Iris go in after their daughter and Iris is brokenhearted by what she finds. Meanwhile, Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) tricks Cisco (Carlos Valdes) into going out for a night out on the town. Rebecca Johnson directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Kristen Kim (#512).

From the sound of it, this could be the flashback-heavy episode teased not long ago, though we can’t be too sure until it’s actually showtime. Either way, this should prove to be a huge turning point for the current season, and will be an episode no Arrowverse fan should miss.

Additionally, it could also be surmised that Nora will be up and about for this episode, even though it’s not expressly addressed. Don’t forget, she’s going to be paralyzed by Cicada during next week’s installment, but she should heal much faster than average folk due to her being a speedster and all.

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW, with “Memorabilia” set to debut on January 29th.

from We Got This Covered

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