Friday, January 4, 2019

Tessa Thompson And Chris Hemsworth Look Sharp In New Men In Black International Photo

A William Hill betting shop is the site of a major cleanup operation in a new still from the upcoming Men in Black International.

When the first trailer for the sci-fi comedy dropped last month, the reception was unusually strong by reboot standards, and the biggest reason for that was undoubtedly the two leads. Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth already proved their chemistry in 2017’s Thor: Ragnarok, and for F. Gary Gray’s next feature, the pair reunite as Agent M and Agent H, seen standing amidst the wreckage in this new photo. Evidently, this is one incident that can’t be covered up with a quick memory wipe, and so the duo is assisted by several masked figures who survey the scene with some fancy-looking gear.

One only has to look at the mixed response to the first Hellboy trailer to see the type of backlash that can ensue from rebooting a series with fresh leads, but Men in Black International looks to be that all too rare example of a franchise installment that’s earning excitement not in spite of its new cast, but because of it. That being said, there’ll still be at least one returning player in the form of Emma Thompson, who returns as MIB head Agent O after making her series debut in 2012’s Men in Black 3.

As for Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, while Agent J and Agent K are nowhere to be seen, their various adventures will still be cannon to the franchise. With that in mind, feel free to hold out hope for a surprise cameo or two when Men in Black International hits theaters on June 14th, 2019.

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