After seeing Cicada getting his ass handed to him for the second time, I imagine it’d be a good idea for him to go into hiding and rethink his game plan. I mean, Killer Frost could easily blast him into oblivion the next time they meet, but the producers need to drag this out until mid-May.
And though the big bad himself may or may not factor into next week’s episode of The Flash, his looming presence will be felt. By that, I’m referring to our heroes attempting to venture into the mind of Cicada’s comatose niece, Grace, only to have the situation go awry when Nora also goes in and seemingly gets stuck. And in doing so, XS risks her parents stumbling upon her highly guarded secret.
As you can see in the promo for next week’s episode found at the top of this article, the Scarlet Speedster inevitably comes across the likeness of the Reverse-Flash while inside of his daughter’s noggin. For me, seeing how he reacts to their collusion should prove to be one of this season’s most intriguing moments.
Of course, we knew the producers were going to explore the history between Nora and Eobard Thawne at some point during the back half of season 5, so I’m glad this is coming sooner rather than later. And if we’re getting this as soon as next week, just think of what other surprises await us!
For more on “Memorabilia,” be sure to check out the official synopsis:
BARRY AND IRIS LOOK INTO NORA’S MEMORIES — When Sherloque (Tom Cavanagh) wants to use a memory machine on Barry (Grant Gustin) and Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) to help gain access to Grace’s memories, Nora panics, fearing her parents will find out the secrets she’s been keeping from them. Nora secretly decides to use the machine on her own which ends in disaster after she gets trapped inside Grace’s mind. Barry and Iris go in after their daughter and Iris is brokenhearted by what she finds. Meanwhile, Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) tricks Cisco (Carlos Valdes) into going out for a night out on the town. Rebecca Johnson directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Kristen Kim (#512).
The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.
from We Got This Covered