To the Average Joe, The New Gods isn’t a comic book property that’d resonate as much as something like, say, Batman, Superman or Spider-Man. But the cool thing about the superhero genre’s surge in Hollywood is that guys such as Black Panther and Doctor Strange are now household names. Heck, Aquaman just made a billion dollars at the box office, and most people had previously considered him to be a joke of a character before Jason Momoa inhabited the role (I’m aware he’s very much a badass on the printed page).
Taking all that into account, it’s very possible that people the world over could be fascinated by the rich mythology that Jack Kirby created for DC Comics back in the 1970’s. Actually, the material had been streamlined for Superman: The Animated Series during the 1990’s, but there’s certainly enough there to yield a lucrative film franchise.
As you can imagine, I was among those who were quite thrilled when a New Gods movie was announced as being in development during March of 2017, but there hasn’t been much to discuss in the time since. Well, director Ava DuVernay Tweeted out some artwork last month so that we’d all know the project is still alive, but that’s about it.
Now, we finally have something substantial to bring you, as sources close to We Got This Covered have revealed that the plot will mainly focus on Mister Miracle and Big Barda trying to escape the hellish planet known as Apokolips. Furthermore, the politics and conflicts between Apokolips and its rival world, New Genesis, will provide added weight to the storyline.
Like I said earlier, there’s a lot of ground to cover with this Fourth World stuff, so to place the focus on two characters in particular should help DuVernay avoid over-complicating matters. And should you require a nice primer on the greatest escape artist the universe has seen, Mister Miracle, it’s recommended that you check out his recent eponymous comic book penned by Tom King.
Big Barda, meanwhile, is known to be the wife of Darkseid’s aforementioned adopted son. As it turns out, they both eventually fled Apokolips and became a collective force for good. Her involvement causes me to assume that we’ll also see appearances made by Granny Goodness and the other Female Furies, but we can’t confirm too many specifics at this point.
For more on The New Gods, be sure to keep watching this space. For now, feel free to let us know what you think about seeing these characters on the silver screen in the usual place below!
from We Got This Covered