Friday, January 25, 2019

Bill Maher Slams Comic Book Readers, Calls Out Superhero Movies

Shortly after Stan Lee’s tragic passing late last year, Real Time host Bill Maher stirred up some controversy online (and that’s putting it lightly) with an incendiary blog piece. The ignorant and uncalled for article saw the comedian and TV personality use Lee’s death as a jumping off point for what became a blanket criticism of comic book culture in general, with Maher essentially telling us he thinks comics are simply an unimportant and juvenile art form, one which doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.

Understandably, the fan backlash came in hard and fast, and given Maher’s history as a provocateur, it’s hardly surprising that he hasn’t been very apologetic about his statements. In fact, not only is he not willing to apologize, but it seems that he’s actually got more to say on the topic.

Yes, believe it or not, he’s still not done spewing his nonsense and earlier tonight he went on another rant. Taking shots at superhero movies, Kevin Smith and more, his words are sure to get people riled up and you can bet that the internet is going to have a lot to say about what Bill Maher put forth this time.

“Tonight’s editorial is about Stan Lee who, if you missed it, died in November,” said Maher. “And a few days later, I posted a blog that in no way was an attack on Mr. Lee, but took the occasion of his death to express my dismay at people who think comic books are literature and superhero movies are great cinema and who, in general, are stuck in an everlasting childhood. Bragging that you’re all about the Marvel Universe is like boasting your mother still pins your mittens to your sleeves.”

“You can, if you want, like the exact same things you liked when you were ten but if you do, you need to grow up,” ranted Maher. “That was the point of my blog. I’m not glad Stan Lee is dead, I’m sad you’re alive. By the way, if someone says you’re being childish and you react by throwing a tantrum, you’re not Iron Man — you’re Irony Man. Let me tell you, people were pissed about this post, I wasn’t even aware I ruffled so many capes until I saw that forty thousand Twitter followers unfollowed me like that [snaps], to which I say ‘Good riddance, go follow Yogi Bear.'”

But he wasn’t done yet. Oh no, far from it. Continuing on, the always controversial comedian and television host said the following:

“Director Kevin Smith accused me of “taking a shot when no shots are f**kin’ necessary,” except again my shot wasn’t at Stan Lee. It was at, you know, grown men who still dress like kids,” Maher said.

“Can we stop pretending that the writing in comic books is so good?” he continued. “Oh, please. Every superhero movie is the same thing — a person who doesn’t have powers, gets them, has to figure out how they work, and then has to find a glory thing. Justice League, glowy thing. Iron Man, glowy thing. Spider-Man, glory thing. Captain America, glowy thing.”

“I’m sorry, but if you’re an adult playing with superhero dolls, I’m sorry — I mean collectible action figures — why not go all the way and drive to work on a Big Wheel?” Maher said. “Grown-ups these days cling so desperately to their childhood that when they do attempt to act their age, they have a special word for it now: adulting.”

Regardless of whether you care for comics or think anything Maher’s said is worthwhile, it’s hard to see this as anything other than a case of a frequent provocateur taking an all-too-easy opportunity to stir up a response. In fact, comic book writer Neil Gaiman explained it best on Twitter a few months ago, saying:

“Maher’s just trolling, and lots of people are rising to the troll. (Julie Burchill did it better 30 years ago with her ‘There aren’t any adult comics because adults don’t read comics’ line. ) More people cared about Stan Lee’s death than care about Bill Maher alive.”

We certainly can’t argue with that last part, and though it remains to be seen if Bill Maher‘s latest comments will get folks as angry as his previous rant did, you can bet that the internet will definitely have something to say about this tomorrow morning.

from We Got This Covered

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