For a long time, Avengers: Endgame was set to be released on May 3rd, with those across the sea getting it a week earlier on April 26th. While that’s great for those in Europe and the UK, US viewers were understandably frustrated, as they’d have to basically swear off the internet for a week in order to avoid spoilers. That’s why when Marvel decided to make April 26th the global release date, so that everyone got the film at the same time, it made a lot of sense.
Now, however, it seems the studio has changed their mind and will be releasing Endgame a bit early in the UK and Ireland, with folks living in those countries getting to lay eyes on the finale to Phase 3 of the MCU on April 25th. It’s not a huge difference, and it’s likely that many theaters in the US will be showing the film late Thursday night anyways, but it’s still a curious move on Marvel’s part.
Regardless of the reasons, though, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Whether you’ll be catching it on the 25th or 26th, there’s now only about three months to go before we’re all excitedly sitting in the theater, popcorn in hand, waiting to learn how our heroes reverse Thanos’ devastating actions from the climax of Infinity War. And, in the meantime, we’ve got the excitement of Captain Marvel to whet our appetite.
Brie Larson’s MCU debut is set to kick off Marvel’s cinematic run for this year on March 8th. But while we’ve already seen tons of footage from Carol Danvers’ upcoming adventure and also have a pretty good idea right now of what to expect from Far From Home, everyone’s still waiting for that next Endgame trailer in the hope that it’ll offer a little more clarity on just what the plot will involve.
Speculation points to it arriving during the Super Bowl this weekend, but that hasn’t yet been confirmed by Marvel. In any case, one date we can be sure of right now is the release of Avengers: Endgame, which is on April 25th for those in the UK and Ireland, and on April 26th for the rest of us.
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