Friday, December 28, 2018

Zack Snyder Shares New Caped Crusader Photo From Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice

Though Zack Snyder’s directorial run in the DCEU looks to have ended with last year’s Justice League, the filmmaker continues to offer new material from his three installments in the franchise, including this new photo of the Caped Crusader from the set of 2016’s Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice.

The films of the DC Universe – and Snyder’s contributions in particular – are notorious for leaving a lot of material on the cutting room floor, and while this moody new image of Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne is nothing game-changing, it’s still a nice enough visual that might’ve been a welcome addition to the final cut.

In the wake of Justice League’s lackluster performance at the box office, the DCEU looks to be in a period of transition that will likely see the franchise move away from the tone and approach of the Snyder years. Still, this divisive chapter in DC history continues to hold a certain fascination to fans, not just for the films it yielded, but also for the films it didn’t. Specifically, the fabled ‘Snyder cut’ of Justice League remains an ongoing source of debate and speculation, with Aquaman star Jason Momoa admitting just a few weeks ago he too is “obsessed” with this hypothetical version of the feature.

But while Snyder still has some producing credits lined up for the DCEU, it’s currently looking like Ben Affleck is very much out of the game, with Matt Reeves’ The Batman said to be pushing forward with a younger version of the Dark Knight. You can expect further updates on the Caped Crusader’s next outing in the coming months, but after the mixed responses received by Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League, don’t be surprised if Warner Bros. thinks some big changes for the character are in order.

from We Got This Covered

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