Friday, December 7, 2018

Rumored Star Wars: Episode IX Title Has Got The Fans Talking

If you look back at the history of Sequel Trilogy reveals, you’ll see there’s a chance that we’re no more than a month or two away from learning the official title of Star Wars: Episode IX, and in light of the recent rumor that the film’s first trailer will be arriving before Christmas, that possibility has become just a little more distinct.

In the meantime, Star Wars fans have to find something to speculate on, and so this new Reddit report alleging inside knowledge of the film’s name has spawned some discussion. The post from user Garrett Thomas reads as follows:

“By a somewhat credible source. By that I mean he’s batting about .700. He gives me good things mostly, and he gives me bad. But this time I trust him. I have no reason to lie, my real name and social media are attached to this, I know there’s lots of these posts. If he’s right, this should be public knowledge by Christmas. If he’s wrong, it’s another strike in his record.



Say what you what you will about the credibility of the source, but “Son of Darkness” is at least a more plausible subtitle suggestion than the one offered by Mark Hamill earlier this week: “Episode IX.”

Anyway, there’s something to be said for a guy who offers an ultimatum for their own leak’s confirmation (“by Christmas,” presumably in reference to the rumored trailer), but regardless of what these next few weeks have in store for us, fans are certainly seeing some potential in this proposed title. As one user points out, for instance, “Son of Darkness” is a name that Snoke uses for Kylo Ren in The Last Jedi.

On the other hand, since Ben Solo’s parents aren’t the especially dark kinds, some replies suggest that the name would be more fitting for Luke Skywalker, who’s confirmed to return despite his death in the last movie. One Redditor even proposed that the son of darkness could actually be the child of Kylo and Rey, though that’s a twist you’re unlikely to see beyond the pages of fan fiction.

In any case, it might only be a couple of weeks before Lucasfilm proves this and various other Star Wars: Episode IX title predictions wrong or right, but the film itself still has a long journey to go before it arrives in theaters on December 20th, 2019.

from We Got This Covered

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