Monday, December 10, 2018

Marvel Updates Official Avengers: Endgame Countdown Clock With New Release Date

Though we had to wait a little longer than most of us expected for the first Avengers: Endgame trailer, when the footage did arrive, it came with the announcement that the film itself will be coming sooner than was previously reported.

It had long been speculated that Marvel Studios might move the film’s North American release date one week earlier to match the schedule of the movie’s European roll-out, but it wasn’t until the teaser dropped that we got some official confirmation of the change. As a result, among the various updates to the Endgame page on the official Marvel website – including the addition of the film’s poster, trailer, and official title – is an adjustment to the feature’s countdown clock, which is now leading up to the flick’s April release.

You can certainly imagine many a Marvel fan checking back obsessively to this page as they literally count down the hours, minutes, and seconds to the MCU’s Phase 3 finale. Fortunately, after a relatively uneventful last few months, Marvel Studios is finally starting to open up a little more about the content of next year’s releases, so hopefully we won’t have too long to wait before some new material comes our way, if not for Endgame then at least for its fellow 2019 releases Captain Marvel and Spider-Man: Far From Home.

In fact, this last week has already offered a pretty generous supply of MCU footage from both the Avengers: Infinity War sequel and from Carol Danvers’ big screen debut, and no matter what bones Marvel throws us in the near future, you can bet that the internet will continue to find new clues and form new theories from these two trailers. What’s important is that fans are finding some way to keep themselves occupied before Avengers: Endgame hits theaters on April 26th, 2019.

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