Friday, December 7, 2018

First Avengers 4 Trailer Teases The Biggest Film Of 2019

I know, we can hardly believe it, either. But it’s finally – finally! – here.

Yes, the very first trailer for Avengers 4 has just debuted online and damn near broke the internet in the process. Though Marvel’s still holding back quite a bit here – and understandably so – our very first look at what’s sure to be 2019’s biggest film certainly doesn’t disappoint and makes it very clear that Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have one heck of a battle ahead of them if they’re to reverse Thanos’ deadly snap from Infinity War.

Granted, how they’ll do just that, or even how they’ll bring back their friends who died in the last movie remains unclear. Understandably, Marvel’s holding back a lot with this first preview and it truly is just a teaser trailer in every sense of the word. But that certainly doesn’t make it any less exciting, as even this brief, tantalizing peek at what’s to come is enough to send shivers down our spine.

No doubt something a bit more fleshed out will arrive in early 2019, but for now, there’s certainly enough here to get fans speculating and talking, with glimpses of the world feeling the effects of the Mad Titan’s snap and the impact that it’s had on our remaining heroes. Not to mention some quick flashes of what’ll no doubt be exhilarating action and, of course, that rousing Avengers theme song at the end to close it all out. The stakes certainly seem to be higher than ever, as we’ve been told, and we simply cannot wait to see how the film will bring Phase 3 of the MCU to a close.

All things considered, it’s a terrific bite-sized preview of Avengers 4 and with this teaser trailer now out in the wild, you can properly expect for the marketing campaign to ramp up over the coming months.

from Movies – We Got This Covered

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