One of the supposed perks of the cinematic universe model is that each new entry is able to build on the last, allowing for some richly elaborate world-building and multi-movie storytelling. In the case of the DCEU, however, previous entries are serving as mostly burdensome obstacles on the series timeline that future entries are going out of their way to distance themselves from. You can see this in the upcoming Wonder Woman 1984, which is once more taking the action back several decades prior to the events of the commercially underwhelming Justice League, and it’s looking like Matt Reeves’ The Batman may be pulling much the same trick.
We’ve heard it said previously that the Caped Crusader’s next standalone outing will focus on Bruce Wayne’s younger days, which would more or less put Ben Affleck out of action, at least for the time being. And with this new tweet, Geeks WorldWide’s KC Walsh backs up these reports with some intel of his own:
“Getting asked a lot about #TheBatman, hear is what I’ve heard, Reeves is on round 2 with the script working on WBs notes, still aiming for a 2019 production start, set in the past with a new Batman”
Prior rumors have also alleged that finding a new Batman was Reeves’ own choice, and while Warner Bros. has allegedly suggested that Affleck still shows up for this prequel in bookend sequences, the War for the Planet of the Apes helmsman is said to be none too keen on the idea
Though Warner has yet to provide any official confirmation on such hearsay, it’s clear that the DCEU is currently going through a pivotal phase in which old plans are scrapped and new ideas are tried out. And given Batfleck’s current lack of momentum with the filmgoing public, it would come as no surprise to see The Batman serve as a soft reboot for its title role.
from We Got This Covered