Thursday, November 22, 2018

Robert Downey Jr. Celebrates Thanksgiving With MCU/Venom Crossover Cartoon

The Sinister Symbiote sharing a table with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes? It can only be this incredible, Marvel-themed cartoon that was shared by Avengers 4 star Robert Downey Jr., who wished his legions of followers a happy Thanksgiving.

After a little Google search investigative research, the image itself can actually be traced back to Jacob Chabot’s Tumblr feed, revealing it to be the cover to his own comic book, Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Mealtime Mayhem #1.

Embedded below, you’ll see that it brings together the likes of Captain Marvel, Iron Man, Black Panther, Captain America, Black Widow and Ms. Marvel. Ant-Man and the Wasp are also tucked away in the bottom of the frame (pepper shaker for scale) and are pretty upset that Venom – yes, the Venom – is crashing their Thanksgiving party and quite literally drooling over the turkey.

See for yourself:

If nothing else, it’s a fun and timely Marvel cartoon, but Venom’s inclusion will only leave comic book fans wondering what could have been… or what could be, depending on how you view the current situation.

We know Venom overshot box office expectations quite spectacularly, thereby fuelling talk of a sequel. Whether its blistering success is enough to court Tom Hardy et. al back for round two is another question, but if Venom 2 becomes a reality, then there’s every chance it could be woven into the fabric of the MCU – or, at the very least, feature a cameo from Tom Holland’s Spider-Man. And how exciting is that?

That’s all hearsay for now, of course, as Sony Pictures is busy fanning the flames to its own Marvel universe. On the other side of the fence, the MCU is bracing for the back-to-back release of Captain Marvel and Avengers 4, the latter of which is expected to unveil its first-look teaser trailer any day now.

from We Got This Covered

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