Monday, November 12, 2018

Doctor Who Fans Are Now Worried That This Companion May Die

This Sunday’s episode of Doctor Who season 11 – titled “Demons of the Punjab” – was already sad enough, as it took place in the tumultuous Partition of India in the 1940s and told a story about families and loved ones turning on each other. However, some fans apparently haven’t had enough sorrow this season, as they’re now theorizing that one of the TARDIS team isn’t going to make it past the finale.

The scene that fans are analyzing occurred between Bradley Walsh’s Graham and Mandip Gill’s Yaz. When the latter voiced sadness that her grandmother Umbreen had never mentioned the life Yaz discovered she led in her youth, Graham explained that she shouldn’t blame Umbreen for keeping her past a secret and encouraged her to “live in the moment” and “figure the rest out later.”

Some believe that Graham was actually speaking from personal experience here and that he himself is keeping a big secret from his friends. In the season premiere, “The Woman Who Fell To Earth,” Graham revealed that he was in remission from cancer and viewers now think the disease may have returned since he started traveling with the Doctor – perhaps he found this out during their stay on a hospital ship in “The Tsuranga Conundrum”?

I think we can all agree that if this is where the season is headed, then we’re in for some seriously heartbreaking drama to come. Sadly, though, there is evidence that the fantastic foursome will be broken up by the end of the run. Gill was asked about what the future holds for her and her co-stars a few weeks back and she gave an intriguing answer, saying: “There’s three companions now, but who knows where we’ll end up?” That sure sounds to us like the Doctor will lose at least one of her friends.

What do you think, though, Doctor Who fans? Could this theory be onto something, or are you sure that Graham will be fine? Let us know by commenting below.

from We Got This Covered

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