Monday, November 12, 2018

Bizarre Promo For Next Episode Of The Flash Debuts Online

Last season on The Flash, we were introduced to the concept of “Flash Time,” which basically allowed for Barry Allen to accomplish tasks at ridiculous speeds unbeknownst to those around him. Somehow, he was able to pull others into this pocket of sorts for brief periods, though I remain baffled how someone can stand still really fast. Hey, go back to the relevant adventures and then try to tell me everyone was in constant motion.

Minor grips aside, the network has devised a creative way to promote tomorrow night’s episode, “All Doll’d Up,” ahead of its debut by releasing a trailer presented in “Flash Time.” Seen at the top, it’s not slowed down in the way we’d grown accustomed, but rather, extremely sped up.

Of course, the entire episode can’t be found in the twenty second clip because I’m pretty sure the Powers That Be know there exist some who would actually take the time out to pick the thing apart frame by frame and spoil the story for us all. Still, there is some new content to be enjoyed.

If anything, this video package adds to the appeal of the creepy Rag Doll we’ll be meeting very shortly. But if you’d like to get even more hyped, know that we’ll encounter Caitlin Snow’s father next week, with all signs pointing toward him being the Arrowverse’s iteration of the Icicle.

When it comes to “All Doll’d Up” itself, we recommend studying the official synopsis if you’d like to know more about what to expect:

BARRY AND IRIS TEAM UP TO STOP A DANGEROUS META NAMED RAG DOLL —Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) lets something slip about the future that devastates Iris (Candice Patton). In an attempt to distract his wife, Barry (Grant Gustin) asks Iris to team up to stop a new meta, Rag Doll (guest star Troy James). Meanwhile, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) learns something about her father. Phil Chipera directed the episode written by Thomas Pound & Sterling Gates (#505). Original airdate 11/13/2018.

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.

from We Got This Covered

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