Monday, October 22, 2018

Thousand Of Marvel Fans Sign Petition To Bring Luke Cage Back

It’s been a shocking couple of weeks for fans of Marvel TV. On the one hand, we’ve had Daredevil season 3 to enjoy – perhaps the best ever season of the collected Defenders-verse. On the other, Netflix has decided to pull a Thanos and practically halve the number of superhero shows on their roster. After just two seasons apiece, both Luke Cage and Iron Fist have been cancelled.

But lovers of the Hero of Harlem and the immortal protector of K’un-Lun aren’t taking this news lying down. Last week, fans set up a petition calling for Netflix to change their minds and renew Iron Fist. At the time of writing, it’s amassed an impressive 20,000 signatures and counting. Now, a similar petition has been created following the cancellation of Luke Cage.

Here’s the plea from it, as written by fan Luke Hunter:

Luke Cage is the finest Marvel show in existence. It exemplifies heroics, sassy banter, great music, and family fun. The cancellation of this beloved show is utterly flabbergasting. We must fight to save our hero of Harlem as he fights for us. Save Power Man!”

Luke Cage’s MCU career has already come a long way in a few short years, so it’d be a shame for it to end now. First, he was Jess’ love interest in the rookie season of Jessica Jones before spinning off into his own series. He then teamed up with Daredevil, Iron Fist and his former flame in The DefendersThe end of Luke Cage season 2 saw him go off the deep end and effectively become Harlem’s new crime boss, but looks like that’s a fascinating story we’ll never get to see play out.

While this petition – which has got a cool 5, 000 signatures right now – is well-intentioned, it appears that bringing back the show is beyond the power of any one party. Word has it that “creative differences” and a fallout over terms between Marvel and Netflix is what caused the cancellation of Luke Cage, and possibly Iron Fist as well. If that’s truly the case, then there could be a bigger breakdown of the relationship between the two companies at work here which could seriously affect all of the Defenders shows.

But don’t get fretting just yet, as nothing’s been confirmed. For now, let’s just remember Luke Cage‘s motto: always forward.

from We Got This Covered

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