Next year, Spider-Man: Far From Home will be sending Peter Parker through a series of European cities, and just like you would for any holiday, it seems that the web-slinger has packed an extra set of clothes.
While Spidey’s dark stealth suit has been viewable online for a few weeks now, a new costume has now got the internet talking with its stylish red-and-black design. This latest getup was seen on the New York set of the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel, and while the outfit itself seems to have gone down fine with fans, the surplus of costumes in the wall-crawler’s MCU saga is starting to prove a little divisive.
On the one hand, some Twitters users feel that all these clothing changes are getting a bit much.
Yeah, no.
It just shows you how Marvel just wants to profit from Spider-Man since MCU's gets a new suit in every movie he appears in (With this one, it's been 5 suits, and he's only had two movies in which he is the main protagonist). All just to sell one more toy.— Isma (@The_Ismazing) October 12, 2018
Spider-Man's having more costumes in the MCU than all 8 Batman movies combined
— Donovan Morgan Grant (@donoDMG1) October 12, 2018
Eh, why do they need to keep messing with the Spider-Man costume?
— Johnnie Torch (@johnnie_torch) October 12, 2018
Then again, plenty of fans are happy to see Peter continue to find new ways to diversify his wardrobe.
the far from home spider-man costume looks soooo beautiful
— Joke Peralta (@unf0ckwittable) October 12, 2018
Aw come on, man. It's MCU Spider-Man, I gotta find SOMETHING to be excited about. Plus, of course he was gonna switch costumes every movie, Cap and Iron Man have gone through like dozens of looks. It's sort of an MCU tradition.
— GodzillaMendoza (@GodzillaMendoza) October 12, 2018
New suit from Far From Home.
He’s got the Steve Ditko colors & maybe it’s just me, but I see a bit of Superior Spider-Man in there with the gauntlets / web shooters.
I like when Spider-Man has red & black on his costume.— The Final Girl
(@Galateaa__) October 12, 2018
Just might be the most used costume in Spider-Man PS4 2.
— Jackpot. (@RochardScott) October 12, 2018
So let me lay out the facts!
Spider-Man PS4 was by far the best game of the year! And DLCs are coming!
Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse about to be the top animation of the year!
And so far we have Superior Spider-Man & Spider-Man Noir costumes in Far From Home!
— DANNYƎL (@DannyelRMCF) October 12, 2018
I'm digging the new costume. It looks like a blend of the Alex Ross Raimi design and the Superior Spider-Man suit.
— MGBeanie (@mystclgrnbeanie) October 12, 2018
Oh man, I love how Marvel Studios has been like…homaging every style of Spider-Man's costume. Classic red and blue, late 80s red and black, Romita Sr.-styled eyes, Iron Spider, web wings…
— It's Joe-ke~! Aqours 2020 (@OpticronPrimal) October 12, 2018
It’s certainly true that the Spider-Man movies, along with the recent Avengers: Infinity War, have come up with a lot of excuses for Tom Holland to update his look. But if this is all in service of selling toys, hopefully the film itself can at least be entertaining enough to distract from such commercial calculation.
While it’s hard to see what in-universe purpose the new red-and-black outfit might serve, the stealth suit looks like it could be a practical necessity as Spidey does some sneaking around a European carnival. Evidently, things don’t stay subtle for long, as set videos indicate that some explosive spectacle will be ensuing, and that the villainous Mysterio could have something to do with it.
We’ll see how and why Peter acquires his next set of apparel when Spider-Man: Far From Home hits theaters on July 5th, 2019.
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