With each passing year, it seems like we’ve come to expect for Tom Cavanagh to give yet another take on Harrison Wells. After his initial attempt – the Reverse-Flash – met its (first) demise all the way back in season 1’s finale, the show’s sophomore year saw the actor stick around as Earth-2’s Harry Wells. Then, Earth-19’s H.R. Wells graced TV screens in season 3, before Harry came back for the latest run following the death of his replacement.
If you’ve been keeping up on The Flash, then you’re well aware of how Harry’s intellect began deteriorating due to over-usage of his replica Thinking Cap. Thankfully, though, Marlize DeVoe was able to somewhat reverse the effects during May’s finale, thus restoring his mental faculties but with one notable difference: Harry is no longer a genius.
After saying his goodbyes to the STAR Labs crew, our old friend split for Earth-2 in order to reunite with his daughter, Jesse Quick. Truthfully, I was half-expecting to read articles online saying Cavanagh exited the series as a whole soon afterward, but that ended up not being the case.
As it turns out, Sherloque Wells is coming to Central City next week, and he can be seen for the first time in the bountiful gallery below. All I ask of the producers is that he’s nowhere near as campy as anyone from the Council of Wells.
Unsurprisingly, Nora AKA XS looks to get ample screentime, for she appears in a decent amount of pics herself. Not only that, but she’s unintentionally continuing her habit of replicating Jeff Goldblum’s infamous pose from the first Jurassic Park flick – and, apparently, her influence is rubbing off on Barry.
Also popping in is that of new big bad Cicada, whom we imagine factors heavily into the title of next week’s episode, which has been ominously dubbed “The Death of Vibe.” For more about that, be sure to check out the official synopsis:
CICADA TARGETS A MEMBER OF TEAM FLASH — After Cicada’s (Chris Klein) attack on The Flash (Grant Gustin), the team realizes they need to think outside the box to stop this dangerous new foe. Desperate to help her parents, Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) comes up with a plan that ultimately puts a member of Team Flash in danger. Meanwhile, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) delves into her past. Andi Armaganian directed the episode written by Jonathan Butler & Gabriel Garza (#503). Original airdate 10/23/2018
The Flash airs on Tuesday nights on The CW.
from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/2CmKA3M