With the first trailer for Avengers 4 thought to arrive next month, yet another description of it has landed online. As it was originally shared on Reddit, it’s best to take this with a grain of salt, but it’s worth mentioning that the post is pretty well written and very believable.
Not to mention that the individual who shared it was also the same guy who first reported that the Captain America: Civil War trailer would include that money shot of Spidey stealing Cap’s shield. So take from that what you will.
Anyways, from what we’re told, the preview will be about 2 minutes in length and kick off with the 10th anniversary logo. Following that, we get into the good stuff.
Thanos’ voice: “My Destiny is not yet fulfilled…” A shot of a battered Tony, looks as though he’s still on Titan, confused. “Greater threats arise to undo the balance I lost everything to achieve… and I…. will not… be undone” Shot of Banner and Cap with Vision on a table fades in and out… Shot of Quills ship lifting off. Fades. Tony: “Fury was right.” He’s talking to someone out of view in some type of normal house.
This MIGHT be Aunt May, he’s glossy eyed, and the dialogue is spoken over the prior screen, not actually what’s he’s saying. “He was right since day 1…” black screen Tony: scene of him in some sort of garage looking place. In front of 3 different suits, they seem pretty normal? None are the one that was leaked, he has the housing unit in his hands. “I’ll do whatever it takes so that never happens again…” black screen Tony in SHIELD gear.
He’s walking towards the camera with soldiers behind him. Shot of Antman standing in the Quantum Realm. Cuts to him surrounded by 3 tardigrades. He’s running, then stops at a green portal type thing. Fades to a shot of Scott in street clothes. Gray shirt jeans and a jean jacket.
Scott: “ I think… I might have a way to help.” Not sure who he’s speaking to. Or if this is even the real dialogue lol. Doesn’t look like it matches.
From there, we catch up with some of the other heroes while also making a quick pit stop in Wakanda.
Shot of an empty throne in Wakanda, various shots of Shuri, M’Baku, and Okoye. Black screen
“This was NOT our fight…” Shuri or Okoye couldn’t tell. Screen still black. Shot of Cap standing arms crossed with Rhodey, Rocket and Thor, in a room that looks like it’s still Wakanda.
Cap: “We need to make this right…”
Banner: “Cap we don’t even know where to start… Thanos is gone. He won.” Thor: “Well… then we had better get to work”
Shot panning down slowly of the pager Fury had in someone’s hands. I’m almost 100% certain it’s in Tony’s hands. A shot of Rhodey suiting up very briefly, from the knees up to the crotch area lol, it’s not nanotech, but looks more or less exactly how Starlords mask materializes with a Thor voiceover: “Are you ready for this?”
Rocket: “Well… if I’m not…” pause. Black Fades in to Rocket, music silences: “What more could I lose?”
After that, things really pick up as the Avengers get ready to battle the Mad Titan, who’s apparently wielding a double edge sword. Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are definitely going to need some help and thankfully, that arrives in the form of Captain Marvel.
Bifrost shot w/ Thor, War machine, and Rocket. Various shots. Gauntlet, still damaged, being reached for, shot of Nebula (looks like the same place Tony was earlier) , and then shot of Banner. Black screen. Thor: “We need an army to stand against Thanos…” shot of Thanos putting on armor. “Yours is the only one formidable enough to give us a chance…” shot of Thanos wielding a big double edge sword. “So I ask of you…”
Various shots of Black Widow, brief shot of Tony’s suit, Caps new chest piece (chainmail!!!) and banner putting on a purple skintight suit and a button up over it In front of a mirror. Fades to Thor, “Will you help us?” More various shots, including a broken gauntlet on the ground as someone (clearly Thanos) is walking away… same aesthetic and scenery as the one when it’s being reached for. (I think he throws it on the ground??) “It’s been awhile since I’ve been to Earth…”
Music is getting louder as it crescendos to a shot of Captain Marvels chest panning up to her face. The scenery behind her almost looks like Xandar. Because it can’t be Earth (that would make no sense) but it’s blue skies and clouds outside a window… Captain Marvel: “Let’s go” Shot of her flying towards something angrily, she cocks back a punch, eyes glowing, flames surround her. She punches, then [Title Card] as Avengers theme plays.
However it doesn’t actually have anything, it’s just a blank screen with the music..
Finally, a bit of humor’s sprinkled in with the stinger, where Rhodey and Rocket have a rather funny encounter.
Post theme cutaway stinger, Rocket is in a rolling chair looking at a few computer screens, has on this cool ass white bodysuit.
Rhodey: “I’ve seen a lot of crazy things, but a talking Raccoon? (rocket looks up at him from chair) Definitely tops them all…” Rocket, going from Rhodey back to the computer screens sarcastically: “boy if I had a unit* every time I heard that one” cuts to a shot of Thor smiling with an off queue “Ha Ha Ha”. Trailer ends…
Like we said above, this is a well written and thought out description, and unlike some of the others, it sounds very plausible. That doesn’t necessary mean it’s legit, but we definitely dig it and with any luck, we’ll get confirmation sooner rather than later. Speculation points to November for when we’ll finally lay eyes on the first Avengers 4 trailer, and we can only hope it’s as thrilling and epic as what was described above.
from We Got This Covered https://ift.tt/2CRkXJh