Thursday, October 18, 2018

Hilarious Fan-Made Elseworlds Poster Imagines Stephen Amell As Supergirl

While we’re still technically waiting on an official synopsis for the next major Arrowverse crossover, “Elseworlds,” this week’s reveal of the teaser poster told us so much about it by showing how Stephen Amell will play the Flash and Grant Gustin will likewise suit up as Green Arrow. When you think about it, the concept is quite ingenious in its simplicity, and is something we should’ve at least guessed was happening.

Despite that, many questions are still circling the event, namely what’s up with Supergirl, though we were given the mildest of hints thanks to a photo shared by Melissa Benoist herself. Still, that’s one major blank we’re hoping to be filled in the very near future.

Getting back to the idea of swapping roles, digital artist extraordinaire Boss Logic decided to have some fun by showing us an alternate universe where Melissa Benoist is the Green Arrow and Stephen Amell is Supergirl. In fact, you can view the hilarious piece below.

What’s especially funny is that Amell himself re-Tweeted the image, captioning it with “Cmon man. I can’t unsee that.” As you may know, Stephen is quite active on social media, so it’s cool to see whenever he interacts with the community.

Actually, this is a concept the producers could explore in a different sense in the future, if they so choose. Those reading this who are intimately familiar with DC Comics probably remember how Earth-11 is the designate known for gender-swapped heroes, so the material is already there and ready to be mined.

This fall’s Arrowverse crossover begins on Sunday, December 9 with The Flash, continues on Monday, December 10 with Arrow, and wraps up on Tuesday, December 11 with Supergirl.

from We Got This Covered

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