Friday, October 19, 2018

Here’s What Iron Man’s Proton Cannon May Look Like In Avengers 4

In these last few days, Marvel fan and artist Boss Logic has been earning some attention online with their theory that a mysterious new photo shared by the Russo Brothers could be teasing the inclusion of Iron Man’s proton cannon in Avengers 4. Now this same Instagram user has offered their impression of what this weapon could look like in action.

If this intimidatingly large Stark Industries product plays as big a part in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War sequel as some of us suspect, then here’s hoping it will look at impressive as this artwork, which shows Tony firing the cannon at an unseen target while leaves swirl through the air against a moody backdrop.

Boss Logic is far from the only one to suggest that such a weapon could be appearing in next year’s release. While the overly bright photo posted by directors Anthony and Joe Russo invited the same comparison from other fans, a previous teaser image shared by the filmmaking pair last month seemed to display a similar canon-like object hidden in the background.

This same prop was also spotted in a scene at the Avengers HQ from Infinity War, and once more in a new Avengers 4 set photo, suggesting that even if this object doesn’t turn out to be a proton cannon, it could still have an important part to play in the MCU Phase 3 finale.

As it stands, it doesn’t look like we’ll be getting any clarification on the matter in the near future, with the Russo Brothers seeming pretty happy to let their fans agonize over the possibilities for a few months longer. All will be revealed, however, when Avengers 4 comes out on May 3rd, 2019.

from We Got This Covered

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