The Thirteenth Doctor’s era of Doctor Who began this past weekend when “The Woman Who Fell To Earth” kicked off season 11 and brought us our first real look at Jodie Whittaker’s incarnation of the Time Lord. She’s now the Doctor in the eyes of fans everywhere and it seems that viewers are very pleased with what they’ve seen of her so far.
Not only were the reactions over social media superb, but reviewers have been singing Whittaker’s praises as well, with season 11 now finding itself Certified Fresh over on Rotten Tomatoes. Yes, the Time Lord’s latest outing has received the prestigious honor and to cap off what’s been a fantastic week so far for Whovians, David Tennant has now weighed in with his thoughts.
The former, and perhaps most popular Doctor caught Jodie’s debut on Sunday and while chatting to Entertainment Weekly, revealed that he loved what he saw.
“Five minutes in I was just watching it as a fan again. I’d forgotten that I knew them and they were my mates. I was like, ‘This is fun! This is exciting!’” I knew they were shooting it and I talked to Jodie and Chris a little bit while they were making it and since, but I didn’t know anything about it, it’s all new to me,” he explained. “I don’t think they’d tell me anything,” he added, “but I also don’t want to go there. I want to experience it like everyone else.”
Continuing on, Tennant explained how exciting he found the whole thing, saying:
“It’s exciting as someone who grew up watching Doctor Who. It’s very exciting whenever there’s a rebirth of the show – that’s an exciting moment anyway. But because Jodie’s a friend, and Chris is a friend, it’s exciting on so many levels.” It’s bizarre because it’s a show I’ve watched all my life, then I ended up being in it which was weird in the first place, and now I’m out of it. There’s kind of a journey back to being an observer again,” he added.
We can certainly understand David’s enthusiasm here, as Whittaker was a terrific piece of casting, giving us a warm, caring and charming to a fault hero who we can’t help but to fall in love with. The actress nailed the Doctor’s stream-of-consciousness dialogue, too, and easily handled of all the exposition she had to deliver. Suffice it to say, if anyone had their doubts about the new season of Doctor Who when the actress was first cast, the recent premiere likely took care of all that.
from We Got This Covered