Monday, October 8, 2018

Chris Hemsworth Celebrates Tessa Thompson’s Birthday With New Men In Black Set Pic

With last year’s Thor: Ragnarok, Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson exhibited some strong comedic chemistry that apparently impressed someone at Sony enough to give these two a film to themselves. That film is the next Men in Black movie, and based on the various set photos we’ve been seeing ever since production started on the sci-fi sequel, it looks like Hemsworth and Thompson get on pretty well behind the camera too.

Just last Wednesday, for instance, Thompson celebrated her 35th birthday, and so Hemsworth took to Instagram with a new image of the duo in their Men in Black suits, captioning the photo with the message:

Happy Birthday to my #MIB partner in crime

While the upcoming Men in Black serves as the pair’s next confirmed outing together, there’s certainly some evidence to suggest that Valkyrie might be joining her old friend Thor in next year’s Avengers 4. While Avengers: Infinity War left the fate of Thompson’s character up in the air, the Creed II star has since confirmed that her character managed to survive Thanos’ attack on the Asgardians’ ship.

But what’s really got people speculating is Hemsworth’s recent Instagram photos, which saw the two of them take a breaking from filming Men in Black to travel to Atlanta. While Hemsworth said that he was needed for Avengers 4 reshoots in the region, Thompson’s reasons for making the flight all the way from London remain undisclosed, raising the possibility that she too was there for the Infinity War sequel.

In any case, it’s good to know that Thompson and Hemsworth are still finding ways to keep each other amused when the camera isn’t rolling. Here’s hoping that some of this chemistry will come through in the next Men in Black, which is scheduled to hit theaters on June 14th, 2019.

from We Got This Covered

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